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The ones who see things differently

                      ‹ℋere’s [ℳạj̣ẹṣṭỵ⁕̷ọf̣⁕̷ṭḥẹ⁕̷Ṣẹạṣ]!› 
             ◤  ℬeautiful girls in beautiful dresses, partying until dawn.  ◥
            ℐrresistible boys with mischievous smiles and [ḍạṇg̣ẹṛọụṣ◊ịṇṭẹṇṭịọṇṣ].
             ◣  ℳenacing lies, dark s·e·c·r·e·t·s, and scandalous hookups!!!  ◢
                  ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎[ ̵M̵ ♦ ̵S̵̵ ̵F̵ ♦ ̵T̵̵ ̵S̵ ]∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
    ¡READ!    ♦ ♦ ♦ ℋere’s to the [c̣ṛạẓỵ◊̣ọṇẹṣ]! ♦The t̞r̞o̞u̞b̞l̞e̞m̞a̞k̞e̞r̞s̞! ♦The r̞e̞b̞e̞l̞s̞! ♦The m̞i̞s̞f̞i̞t̞s̞!
         În cazul în care vă gândiţi că este o bandă cu scenariu, it’s not. Există, totuşi, un plot,
           dar asta doar pentru a scăpa de rutina şi plictiseala care deseori se aşterne pe benzi.
         [Ṣṭọṛ̣ỵ̣♦ḷịṇẹ] Personajele se vor îmbarca pe un vas, care va ancora în mai multe ţări.
        Ajunşi ‘în port’, sunteţi liberi să faceţi ce vreţi. Fiecare episod este egal cu o nouă ţară, care
        va fi comunicată albumului respectiv. Puteţi da şi voi idei, bineînţeles. Totodată, există
        două categorii de oameni care vor fi prezentate mai detaliat mai jos. În mare, categoriile sunt:
          tinerii care nu duc lipsă de nimic, deseori datorită părinţilor bogaţi de la care primesc
         bani necontenit sau, chiar datorită succesului personal, şi tinerii care, deşi în mod normal
          nu fac parte dintr-o clasă socială joasă, odată ajunşi pe vas, pentru a se întreţine pe tot
        parcursul vacanţei şi pentru a avea bani de buzunar în călătoriile şi excursiile ce-i aşteaptă,
           îşi iau un job pe vas, la alegere. Este la latitudinea voastră din ce categorie faceţi parte!
        ℱ̣ịṇạl❦ḍẹṣṭịṇạṭịọṇṣ: Athens · Barcelona · Lisbon · Venice · Napoli · Marseille and many others!
                    [ℳisfits·ⅩⅣ] ▣ M E E T T H E C A S T:
  ℓabeℓℓed as ṭḥẹ[ỤP̣P̣ẸṚ]c̣ḷạṣṣ ♦ ṭḥẹ[ẈỌṚḲỊṆG̣]c̣ḷạṣṣ!            
     ‹⍣› ¿What does ཎthe upper classན mean?  ❐Not neccessarily the rich kids but the ones that don’t
   need a working place while on cruise. They, just like the others, came here to discover not only the world,
    but themselves, too. Anyway, this ḷịṭṭḷẹ◊f̣ạc̣ṭ does make them a lot more privileged than the rest...
          ̵t̵̵a̵̵k̵̵e̵̵A̵̵l̵̵o̵̵o̵k̵        at who belongs to ̵T̵̵h̵̵e̵̵U̵̵p̵̵p̵̵e̵̵r̵̵C̵̵l̵̵a̵̵s̵s̵ on this ship...
  Ⅰˢᵗ misfit♀: [Ḥạṛṛ̣ỵ̣♦Ṣṭỵḷẹṣ]: 90’s symbolic figure ཥseems to be here with a purposeཤ finding the ịṇṣp̣ịṛạṭịọṇ he needs
   Ended up here by mistake, but don’t worry, that’s not new or unusual for him! [C̣ḥạṛḷị̣ẹ̣♦Ḥẹạṭọṇ] Ⅱᶰᵈ misfit♀
  Ⅲʳᵈ misfit♀: [Ḷọṛẹṇẓọ◊Ẓụṛẓọḷọ]: wouldn’t have been here if it wasn’t for his patron, the owner of the ship [...]
   No legacy is so rich as honesty, but he actually has an abundance of them both [Ḷọụịṣ◊Ṭọṃḷịṇṣọṇ] Ⅳᵗʰ misfit♀
  Ⅴᵗʰ misfit♂: [ḶịḷỵṚọṣẹ♦Ḍẹp̣p̣]: It’s not a matter of holding good cards, but sometimes, playing a poor hand well.
     ‹⍣› ¿What does ཎthe working classན mean?  ❏It certainly does not mean the impoverished ones.
   But they do need a job for mantaining themselves on Majesty of the Seas! Baristas, lifeguards, chefs etc!
          ̵t̵̵a̵̵k̵̵e̵̵A̵̵l̵̵o̵̵o̵k̵        at who belongs to ̵T̵̵h̵̵e̵̵W̵̵o̵̵r̵̵k̵̵i̵̵n̵̵g̵̵C̵̵l̵̵a̵̵s̵s̵ on this ship...
  Ⅰˢᵗ misfit♀: [Ḅịḷḷ♦Ṣḳạṛṣg̣ạ̊ṛḍ]: Technically, he’s one of the uppers, but he plays the piano nightly for his own joy.
   Being the children’s lifeguard gives you free pass for traveling? Great, let’s embark! [Ḷịḷ̣ỵ̣♦C̣ọḷḷịṇṣ] Ⅱᶰᵈ misfit♂
  Ⅲʳᵈ misfit♂: [Ṣẹḷẹṇạ◊G̣ọṃẹẓ]: As a painter, it’s important to get a glimpse of the landscapes you’re going to paint.
   Singing not only pays ‘the bills’ but it makes her heart drown in contentment [Ṃịḷẹỵ◊C̣ỵṛụṣ] Ⅳᵗʰ misfit♂
  Ⅴᵗʰ misfit♀: [Ẓạỵṇ♦Ṃạḷịḳ] Set up another case b̞a̞r̞t̞e̞n̞d̞e̞r̞! The best thing for a case of nerves is a case of Scotch.
   Any cook should be able to run the country, pay attention, she runs an entire ship! [Ḥạṇḍẹ♦Ẹṛçẹḷ] Ⅵᵗʰ misfit♂
‹Ⅰˢᵗℳisfits’ c̣ḥạṛạc̣ṭẹṛ: [Ḅịḷḷ♦G̣.̣Ṣḳạṛṣg̣ạ̊ṛḍ]›
‹Ⅰˢᵗℳisfits’ c̣ḥạṛạc̣ṭẹṛ: [Ḅịḷḷ♦G̣.̣Ṣḳạṛṣg̣ạ̊ṛḍ]›
‹Ⅱᶰᵈℳisfits’ c̣ḥạṛạc̣ṭẹṛ: [Ṣẹḷẹṇạ♦G̣ọṃẹẓ]›
‹Ⅱᶰᵈℳisfits’ c̣ḥạṛạc̣ṭẹṛ: [Ṣẹḷẹṇạ♦G̣ọṃẹẓ]›
‹Ⅲʳᵈℳisfits’ c̣ḥạṛạc̣ṭẹṛ: [Ḥạṛṛỵ♦ẸḍṢṭỵḷẹṣ]›
‹Ⅲʳᵈℳisfits’ c̣ḥạṛạc̣ṭẹṛ: [Ḥạṛṛỵ♦ẸḍṢṭỵḷẹṣ]›
‹Ⅳᵗʰℳisfits’ c̣ḥạṛạc̣ṭẹṛ: [Ḷịḷ̣ỵ̣J̣ạṇ♦C̣ọḷḷịṇṣ]›
‹Ⅳᵗʰℳisfits’ c̣ḥạṛạc̣ṭẹṛ: [Ḷịḷ̣ỵ̣J̣ạṇ♦C̣ọḷḷịṇṣ]›
‹Ⅴᵗʰℳisfits’ c̣ḥạṛạc̣ṭẹṛ: [C̣ḥạṛḷị̣ẹ̣♦Ḥẹạṭọṇ]›
‹Ⅴᵗʰℳisfits’ c̣ḥạṛạc̣ṭẹṛ: [C̣ḥạṛḷị̣ẹ̣♦Ḥẹạṭọṇ]›
‹Ⅵᵗʰℳisfits’ c̣ḥạṛạc̣ṭẹṛ: [ḶịḷỵṚọṣẹ♦Ḍẹp̣p̣]›
‹Ⅵᵗʰℳisfits’ c̣ḥạṛạc̣ṭẹṛ: [ḶịḷỵṚọṣẹ♦Ḍẹp̣p̣]›
‹Ⅶᵗʰℳisfits’ c̣ḥạṛạc̣ṭẹṛ: [Ḷọṛẹṇẓọ♦Ẓụṛẓọ]›
‹Ⅶᵗʰℳisfits’ c̣ḥạṛạc̣ṭẹṛ: [Ḷọṛẹṇẓọ♦Ẓụṛẓọ]›
‹Ⅷᵗʰℳisfits’ c̣ḥạṛạc̣ṭẹṛ: [Ḷọụịṣ♦Ṭọṃṃọ]›
‹Ⅷᵗʰℳisfits’ c̣ḥạṛạc̣ṭẹṛ: [Ḷọụịṣ♦Ṭọṃṃọ]›
‹Ⅸᵗʰℳisfits’ c̣ḥạṛạc̣ṭẹṛ: [Ẓạỵṇ♦J̣ạṿṂạḷịḳ]›
‹Ⅸᵗʰℳisfits’ c̣ḥạṛạc̣ṭẹṛ: [Ẓạỵṇ♦J̣ạṿṂạḷịḳ]›
‹Ⅹᵗʰℳisfits’ c̣ḥạṛạc̣ṭẹṛ: [Ṃịḷẹỵ♦ṚạỵC̣ỵṛụṣ]›
‹Ⅹᵗʰℳisfits’ c̣ḥạṛạc̣ṭẹṛ: [Ṃịḷẹỵ♦ṚạỵC̣ỵṛụṣ]›
‹Ⅺᵗʰℳisfits’ c̣ḥạṛạc̣ṭẹṛ: [Ẹṃẹṛạụḍẹ♦Ṭọụ]›
‹Ⅺᵗʰℳisfits’ c̣ḥạṛạc̣ṭẹṛ: [Ẹṃẹṛạụḍẹ♦Ṭọụ]›
‹Ⅻᵗʰℳisfits’ c̣ḥạṛạc̣ṭẹṛ: [Ṿạṇẹ♦Ḥụḍg̣ẹṇṣ]›
‹Ⅻᵗʰℳisfits’ c̣ḥạṛạc̣ṭẹṛ: [Ṿạṇẹ♦Ḥụḍg̣ẹṇṣ]›

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